Here's a quick rundown of the events of the last few days.
The Liberal Government introduced Bill C-21, which would make airsoft a prohibited device.
The CCFR, Canada's gun lobby, calls out to airsofters to join their fight against firearms legislation
Ian Runkle delivers a solid breakdown of the proposed legislation
Nick Martin receives Member of Parliament support for a petition to the House of Commons. This official petition will replace various efforts. Link to come!
Airsoft in Canada is stood up as a resource for the public and for airsofters to share what the sport has to offer
Regional leads start to assemble to coordinate efforts. Contact us to volunteer as a coordinator.
Brian Durand and the FSAQ hit CTV and local news networks to tell Quebecers about airsoft and it's pending demise.
Do you have news you want to share? Send us an email with all the details to
